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Velcro Strap Tib Bar

RM 145.00
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Our brand new Velcro Strap Tib Bar helps grip the bar firmly to your feet. The Tib bar is used to strengthen the tibialis muscle, which is your first line of defense against knee pain. The tibias muscle is the muscle that runs next to the shin bone, down the front of the leg from the knee to the ankle. When the tibias muscle is weak, undue force being generated through walking, running or jumping makes its way to the knee, causing knee pain and shin splints. Strengthening the tibialis anterior has been linked to a decrease in shin splints and knee pain. Using the Tib Bar also helps to strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the ankle while simultaneously stretching and increasing the ankles range of motion. If you walk, run, sprint, jump or want to maintain longevity in your leg muscles for the rest of your life, then this piece of equipment is for you.


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