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Sissy Squat Machine

RM 570.00
Sissy Squat Machine Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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End your leg day with a burning set of intense quad conditioning with the Sissy Squat Machine. Also known as Matrix Squats, this machine allows you to perform high rep bodyweight squats or increase the difficulty by holding a kettlebell across your chest or wrapping a band behind your head. This lower body specialty machine has four adjustable foot roller positions, from 5 to 8-inches, and five adjustable calf pad positions, from 16 to 20-inches, for comfort and safety. Fully equipped with a diamond plated footplate, high-quality padding, adjustable calf and footpads, and a low footprint. Unlike other machines, this strength and toning implementation requires no weights. It works well to target all four quadriceps and glute muscles, strengthen the knee and hip joints, and train your core for balance and stabilization.


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