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Nordic Hamstring Curl Bench (Free shipping)

RM 1,400.00
Nordic Hamstring Curl Bench (Free shipping) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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The Nordic Hamstring Curl Machine, frequently shown on videos from Knees Over Toes Guy, is a compact alternative to traditional GHD machines which gives athletes a convenient way to perform nordic curl raises in any type of training space. This laser-cut-steel floor apparatus creates just a 62" x 24" footprint, and its adjustable foot pads can be set at six different height options for easy customization. The design is optimized for a GHR - Glute Ham Raise, a bodyweight hamstring movement that concentrates on knee flexion. When made a regular part of a training regimen, these GHR exercises can help increase squat and deadlift strength as well as a runner’s power and speed off the blocks. The movement itself doesn't put any high compressive forces on the spine, and its effects may reduce the chance of suffering serious ACL injuries down the road.


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