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Gripped Slant Board

RM 130.00
Gripped Slant Board Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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The Slant Board is exclusively made for athletes that practice knees over toes and are looking to maximize their athletic potential. The VMO board is made out of high-grade steel and is durable to withstand weight and pressure. The board’s foot surface has been upgraded to treaded steel to support foot grip and durability to withstand intense training and stretching exercises. The board is equipped with a unique adjustable feature to its foot surface, which allows for even more increased mobility and the ability to perform crucial exercises that are critical in mastering performance. The user of this board will not be restricted to train at only one limited angle but have multiple angles to perform our unique exercises. The benefits include the ability to isolate VMO and other muscles during exercise that creates an explosive athlete, while also strengthening the knees against injury. Adjustable for every level of athlete. Practical and Convenient. Made to handle weights up to 200kg. Lightweight and easy transport.


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