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Strength Standard WL Barbell Black Oxide

RM 620.00
Strength Standard WL Barbell Black Oxide Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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The Strength Standard Weightlifting Barbell is a 20KG, 2.2 meter long barbell with a 28mm diameter grip that is specifically made for Olympic lifts like Snatch and Clean & Jerks. With a medium knurling, it gives you suitable grip for weightlifting movements. Our barbell uses bearings in the sleeves for optimum spin which are essential for Olympic lifts. Sleeve diameters are 5cm for any type of weight plates with 5cm holes. Manufactured by Linuo Fitness (Translates to Promised Strength in English), a Chinese company, the weightlifting barbells comes in different materials for different price points, all of which are of the best quality. 


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